Wednesday 19 October 2011

Music video effectiveness

Effectiveness of music videos

Music videos can be used as advertising tools for various company’s and brands.A very recent and popular example of this is the increased advertisement for the new headphone brand ©DRE BEATS by Monster and designed by rap and hip hop artist Dr dre.
This is a printsreen from Lady gaga’s music video for poker face as you can see she is clearly showing the headphones brand forward towards the camera and promoting the brand ©DREBEATS.
This is also done sublimanily and I believe other products are streamed through videos and after time subconsciously we buy these products through the influence of seeing it on music videos and advertisements.

Contempary music video example
I have picked another video for the contempary section as I believe it is very artistic and a brilliant piece of filmaking.                                               

The video I have printscreened is ‘’All of the lights’’ by kanye west .The video flashes brightly coloured neon lights and various signs  at the viewer and really catched the mood and vibe of the song.

Influencial video’s

Thriller by Michael Jackson is the most influencual music  video of all time due to the fact that most artist have tried to replicate this video but failed.For its time it was pioneering as it told a story to the viewer almost as a small film.At 13 minutes long it is very long for a music video which normally last 3-4 minutes .

Music  videos and important political and humanitarian issues
This is the music video to lowkeys ‘Long live palestine’ a song which highlights an important message about the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Palestine.
Music videos are an important tool for charities and organisations but such issues are rarely raised in mainstream media and ‘pop’ songs but underground artists like Lowkey and immortal technique are raising awareness and influencing people to do there own videos.

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